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"The minute I spoke with Lynda at NYSS, I knew I was dealing with phenomenal, compassionate people. Ashley did an amazing job and opened up a whole new world for my husband who lost his speech. Now he can be heard again. Thank you just isn’t enough."

"From my first contact with NYSS, I knew I could count of them. There is nothing like knowing a loved one is in capable, loving hands. I will be forever grateful to NYSS for helping us make Aunt Julie comfortable and safe."

"I was told I would never be able to eat normal food again. Thanks to my speech therapist and VitalStim® swallowing therapy, my life has been turned around. I can now eat a regular diet and lead a normal diet. My feeding tube was just removed."  

"My mom had a massive stroke and lost her speech. After many months of speech therapy elsewhere, my mom was ready to give up and accept she may never be able to fully communicate verbally. I found NYSS and the results in the short time we have been going are fantastic. I can finally understand and have a conversation with my Mom again!"   

"I was extremely pleased with the therapist and the program at NYSS. The therapist and I developed an excellent relationship and the sessions seemed to fly by which as a retired teacher indicates a superb class was had! I highly recommend the therapist and program!!"

"I am an RN for over 30 years and have worked professionally and personally with many health care providers and I am very impressed with Judy's level of professionalism, knowledge base and bedside manner."

"My husband’s speech therapist did an amazing job and opened up a whole new world for him when he lost his speech. Now he can be heard again. Thank you just isn’t enough."

"My grandmother receives speech therapy in her home by Ashley who is knowledgeable and compassionate. She has treated my grandmother’s speech and voice, but has also tended to the overwhelming emotions that come along with speech difficulties. We are grateful for New York Speech Solutions."

"Judy is highly skilled, sensitive, creative and thoughtful adjusting to the needs of the client. The range and specificity of the interventions she provided was impressive and her ability to guide and support me through the process was outstanding."

"Before I started working with Judy, I was unable to safely swallow any foods or liquids. I received all my foods through a feeding tube. After 16 sessions of VitalStim Therapy, I can now safely swallow puree foods and thickened liquids. 2 swallowing tests confirmed a significant improvement in my swallowing."

"My mother is no longer frustrated if she cannot remember certain words. She now is able to approach her problem calmly and can talk around the problem and calmly find a different word. She is happier and communicating much better."

"After many months of speech therapy elsewhere, my mom was ready to give up and accept she may never be able to fully communicate verbally. The results in the short time we have been going to NYSS are phenomenal. I can finally understand and have a conversation with my Mom again!”

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